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13th Annual Lake Country Clean Water Festival

June 22, 2024



The Lake Country Clean Water Festival, hosted by Lake Country Clean Waters in conjunction with the Pewaukee Kiwanis Beach Party, is celebrating its 13th anniversary this year! Since 2011, the festival has focused on raising awareness for the increasing need to preserve Lake Country’s waterways and raising money for clean-up efforts so we can all enjoy the fun and beauty that the lakes bring to our community. The festival has also provided opportunities for all to enjoy the many recreational activities that our lakes afford from learning to water ski, to pontoon boat rides, to Zumba, yoga and bootcamp on the beach, to paddle sports.


Thanks to the generosity of our sponsors, over $100,000 has been donated to local groups focused on water quality and education. Too, hundreds have visited our education tent to learn from local lake ecology experts and have participated in water-related recreation opportunities. But the need is great and there is a more to be done to protect the waterways that are central to the high quality of life we enjoy in Lake Country.


In the meantime, we hope you come to this year’s festival and join in on the fun as we celebrate our precious gems – the lakes of Lake Country!

Many thanks to the following sponsors who make this festival possible:
  • Facebook Clean

2024 Lake Country Clean Waters

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